Friday, October 16, 2020


 Leslee Nelson

The New Day


Saris, hand-dyed embroidery floss, gold thread, cigar box from Lisa.

My daughter Riah and her husband came to visit for Spring Break.  

They were here to keep us safe during Shelter-in-Place. They went 

to the store and did all the cooking.  They are excellent cooks and 

made wonderful dinners. They also rearranged the cupboards and 

ordered cooking equipment they liked.  As I stayed out of their way, 

it brought up little frictions leading to irritations and memories of 

conflicts from her childhood.


I began stitching pillow covers for our sofa from several saris I’d 

bought in India. I used a repetitive running stitch called Kantha in 

India.  It was soothing and meditative. I made nine.


The underlying tensions broke into a yelling fight in June. Kaylee, 

our younger daughter was visiting that week.  She became the 

mediator.  Riah and I sat on the couch (covered in sari pillows) on 

each side of her as she guided the conversation.  Riah and I were 

able to finally recognize the patterns and issues of years-old conflict.


It was like a new dawn. Riah and I found a deeper understanding and 

let go of our misinterpretations and resentments. Kaylee was brilliant.

 Riah and I found resolution.  It was transformative. 


This was my most treasured moment from Covid Summer.


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